Phys 4073 Quantum Mechanics – Fall 2003


Class meets MWF 9:30-10:20 in Phys 132 (I am trying to get the meeting place changed).


Contacting Me: E-mail . I check it before class each morning. Phone: 575-5596. Don’t leave voice mail, I don’t check it.


Textbook: David Griffiths – Introduction to Quantum Mechanics

Optional(buy it online) Cohen-Tannudji, Diu, and Laloe – Quantum Mechanics Volume 1 and 2.


Grading: There will be two hourly exams at approximately week 5, week 10, and a final exam. Each will be worth 100 points. All exams are comprehensive and closed book. I will publish the formula sheet for the exam. There will be 11 homework sets (drop 1) worth a total of 100 points.


Reading Schedule: The reading for each homework will be included in the homework.


Office Hours: I am currently planning 11:30-12:30 MW and 10:30-11:30 Friday. All office hours are held in the UPII lab.


Tentative Schedule (Yes he’s guessing):

Test 1: Finite Basis Systems

Week 1: Postulates and Mathematics

Week 2: More Mathematics and General Results

Week 3:  Quantum Mechanics of Finite Basis Systems

Week 4: General Theory of Angular Momentum  and Spin

Test 2: Continuous Basis Systems

Week 5: Continuous Basis Systems – Function Spaces

Week 6: Simple Harmonic Oscillator and Spatial Angular Momentum

Week 7: Three Dimensional Systems

Week 8: Wave Mechanics and Square Wells

Test 3: Topics

Week 9: Identical Particles

Week 10: Time Independent Perturbation Theory

Week 11: Time Dependent Perturbation Theory and Selection Rules

Week 12: Addition of Angular Momentum (Clebsh-Gordan)

Week 13: Foundations and Measurement

Week 14: Catch our Breath



Bernadette says hi Justin and we have your car part.